Should geography change salary? And other questions for remote working post-pandemic

In 2019, just 30% of UK employees worked from home. But that was pre-pandemic, pre-lockdown, pre-remote working. Today, as we cautiously move towards opening up again, expectations in the workplace are very different. COVID-19 launched the world into a mass homeworking experiment, triggering a change in lifestyles and employee expectations. The upshot is that now…

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Where should leaders stand on ‘no jab, no job’?

Where should leaders stand on ‘no jab, no job’? As the volume of coronavirus transmissions continues to fall within the UK, leaders are setting their sights on planning for some semblance of new normal – what will likely be a hybrid model between remote working and office-based collaboration Interesting points of view in the full…

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Police warn students to avoid science website

One of the areas we cover here at Telnthawk is IT Security and Governance and our our consultant David Jenkins came across this article, where police have warned students in the UK against using a website that they say lets users “illegally access” millions of scientific research papers.  Further information can be found here:

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Minister hints at UK departure from GDPR

Considering the effort that was made by UK and Global business with EU based data subjects its interesting to see the potential flexibilty (good or bad) of Brexit. The government has sent a first signal of its intention for UK data protection laws to part company with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation. In a…

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As a further perspective on one of our blogs around remote onboarding…..Maybe on your first day of work you’ll be allowed to enter the office once for a short introductory meeting. If you’re lucky, you’ll get a tour of empty departments afterwards. Someone points to an empty desk that will one day be yours. Instead…

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Nationwide tells 13,000 staff to ‘work anywhere’

This could really set the scene for the futre of financial services in the UK, traditionally office based, this is quite the shif of mentality.  We wonder who will follow suit…. Nationwide is to allow 13,000 office staff to choose where they work under a new flexibility scheme. The UK’s biggest building society said its…

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Tide proposes Open Banking data fees to incentivise banks

Tide proposes Open Banking data fees to incentivise banks Business banking platform Tide has accused the UK’s banks of dragging their feet on Open Banking, arguing for the introduction of data fees to incentivise the sector to promote wider uptake. In a submission to the Competition and Markets Authority review into governance arrangement for the…

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